Wednesday 14 January 2015

Newsletter no. 16 : Wednesday 14th January 2015

Congratulations to the following Writers of the Week:
Adele Udeze, Yahya Khalid, Vinisha Sanger, Kaysah Mahmood,
‘Mathlete’ awards were received by: Arfan Rehman, Dilpreet Singh, Hafsa Siddique, Karandeep Singh,
Headteachers award, was awarded to Daren (6Y) for his excellent homework project and Inaaya Fatima Atif (RG) for her creative artwork of dinosaurs.
Gold Awards were given to Jameela  Macmillam and Andrei  Lupsa. Well done to everybody!
Class Information/ Parent Workshops Thanks to those who have attended these sessions thus far. I hope that the information shared was useful.
Please do visit the school website regularly for      further information and updates.
The sessions for the remaining year groups will take place in the main hall and will be led by the Year Group Teaching Team from 9 - 9.30am.  Dates and Year groups are as follows:
- 14th January - Year 4
- 15th January - Year 3
- 16th January -  Year 2
- 19th January -  Year 1
- 20th January - Reception
- 21st January -  Nursery AM
- 22nd January - Nursery PM

Attendance Figures For Last Week:
Rec Blue           89.5%              Yr 3Rain    95.0%
Rec Green      94.0%         Yr 3Y               95.2%
Rec Red           86.3%              Yr 4B         98.6%
Rec Yellow       94.3%              Yr 4G        90.7%
Yr 1B                97.7%              Yr 4R         92.7%
Yr 1G               94.0%              Yr 4Y         84.8%
Yr 1R               94.3%              Yr 5B         87.7%
Yr 1Y                97.2%              Yr 5G         91.9%
Yr 2B                94.9%              Yr 5R         98.3%
Yr 2G               94.0%              Yr 5Y         94.7%   
Yr 2R               94.5%         Yr 6B         95.8%  
Yr 2Y                92.3%              Yr 6G         98.1%  
Yr 3B                89.3%              Yr 6R         92.7%  
Yr 3G               96.0%              Yr 6Y         92.3%
Yr 3R               94.5% 
Attendance Well done to class Year 4 Blue for achieving 98.6%. The overall    percentage for last week for the whole school was 93.5%.
Colour Assemblies: will be cancelled for this week, due to the fact that the Parent Workshops are taking place. They will take place as normal next week.
School Priorities As always we continue to strive towards further improvements and   higher attainment for our pupils. With this in mind the focus remains on our 2 key priorities:
1)       High expectations for all, by all, at all times.
2)       Achieve 100% Good / Outstanding Teaching in all classes at all times.
Senior leaders continually monitor the quality of teaching, so that the in class practice      remains focussed

Winter Arts Competition As a school, we have always valued all subjects, and celebrate the talents and achievements of our pupils in all areas. In our aim to work towards Arts Mark Gold this year we are introducing an annual ‘Winter Arts Competition’ by inviting schools in our existing partnership to participate in a competitive event on 30th January 2015.
The items from each school, including Art, Dance and Music will be judged by a panel of key individuals, including the Mayor of Redbridge, The Chair of Governors of Cranbrook Primary, The Head of School Improvement in Redbridge and a local Artiste.
More to follow in future newsletters.
Parent Questionnaire Feedback Thank you to all parents who responded to and completed the questionnaire. In total 162 parents gave us their feedback, I am pleased to report that in answer to all questions asked in the survey, the responses were in the main very positive. However, there are a small number of parents who raised concerns (ranging from 2 to 9 depending on the question). I would be very happy to meet these parents to address the issues so that we improve our provision. Please make an appointment via the school office.
·         Please remember that you can also give your feedback through ‘Parent View’ on the OFSTED website.
As head teacher, I am always keen to hear what parents consider to be the school’s strengths and the areas where we need to improve. The main area that parents have said needs improving is the quantity of homework given. However as a school we are in line with other community schools and the DFE requirements, and feel strongly as a staff team, that children should also enjoy free time.
CFA Meeting There will be a meeting on Wednesday 21st January 2015, at 9.15am in the Small Hall. I hope that you will be able to join us for this meeting. We are also still looking for reps for each class. If your child has nominated you for this position, you should have received a personal invitation to the meeting. Come along and find out more about our plans for the remainder of the year and share some new ideas with us for how we can work together to raise additional funds for the school.
Fundraising for the Brain Appeal We are supporting this appeal and would ask if you have any unwanted gifts at home, to please bring them into the school office  to go towards a sale on Thursday 29th January from 3.30 to 4pm. We will also be having a raffle and some food for sale, so please come along!
All proceeds go to The Brain Appeal, which is a charity close to our hearts.
Raffle tickets will be priced £1 a strip. This will be held in the Main Hall.
Humanities Resources We really need to build up our classroom resources for   Humanities. If you have any items to donate to the school such as globes, books, maps, atlases, or religious artefacts please bring them in.
There will be a box in the link door corridor marked Humanities donations. All donations will be very much appreciated.
Dates for your Diary:

12th Feb               Year 4 Performance

16th-20th Feb       Half - term (school closed)

9th - 13th Feb       Safety Week

23rd Feb               Inset (school closed to pupils)

24th Feb               Parents Evening

2/5/16th March                 Year 3 Trip Old Royal Naval College

3rd March              Parents Evening

19th March            CFA Event

26th March            Year1 Performance

3rd - 17th April      Spring Break (school closed)

24th March            Class photographs

4th May                 Bank Holiday (school closed)

25th-29th May       Half - term (school closed)

1st June                Inset (school closed)

23rd July               School closed

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