Wednesday 28 November 2012

Newsletter No12 28th November 2012

Congratulations to the following writers of the week: Naseera Parkhetiya, Jannat Gol, Maesha Fazal, David Mazrreku, Natasha Syed, Anisa Choudhury, Tahir Omar, Haseeb Sohail, Janvi Parekh, Viduna Athavan, Harnij Singh, Aariz Ashraf, Fabiha Haque, Mohammad Sheriff, Aris Saleh, Yusuf Islam, Kasim Manzoor, Tyler George, Mohammed Chowdhury, Toni-Ann Robertson and Shayaan Younis.

Also, Gold merits were awarded to Daren Sungalee, Jeni Tanushi and to Hannah Ahmed for 25 gaining merits. Well done to you all!

World Youth Chess Championship Congratulations to Aditya Verma in class 4R who competed in the World Youth Chess Championship which was held in Slovenia. He came 4th out of 136 participants from 103 countries and was ranked the 8th best player in the world (in the age 8 category). He deservedly received his prize from the legendary chess player and former champion, Gary Kasparov. Well done, Aditya! Wow!

Religious Trips At Cranbrook we celebrate all the main religions of the world throughout our curriculum. Often year groups visit places of worship to enhance the children's understanding of their RE topic.forms a very important learning experience for the children and if children do not attend these trips they are unable to access some of the work in class that the other children who went will. At Cranbrook we pride ourselves on celebrating the diversity of our community and we believe it is important to show understanding and tolerance of all people who make up our community. Therefore, I do expect all parents to support this by allowing their child to attend. Please note that we are in the process of organising a trip to the mosque next year.

Attendance Figures For Last Week

Rec Blue 94.2%       Yr 3B 94.7%

Rec Green 83%        Yr 3G 92.1%

Rec Red 90.7%        Yr 3R 97.2%

Rec Yellow 91.7%    Yr 3Y 98%

Yr 1B 89.7%            Yr 4B 97.3%

Yr 1G 92.7%            Yr 4G 96.7%

Yr 1R 94.7%            Yr 4R 90.3%

Yr 1Y 94.2%            Yr 4Y 98.7%

Yr 1Ra 92.2%           Yr 5B 97.3%

Yr 2B 100%              Yr 5G 93.8%

Yr 2G 95.2%             Yr 5R 92.6%

Yr 2R 97.1%             Yr 5Y 96.8%

Yr 2Y 98%                Yr 6G 95.4%

Yr 6R 98%

Attendance Well done to Year 2 Blue who achieved 100% attendance! Fantastic! The overall percentage for the whole school was 94.6%.

Photographs Please ensure that you send in orders by Tuesday 4th December.

Karate and Basketball Club Please note that these clubs will not be running next week as we will be holding Winter Fun events in the main hall. Football 1st will be running as normal on Friday.

Fronter We are delighted to announce that we will be introducing Fronter to our school in January 2013. Fronter is a digital learning platform which allows access from home to school based links. These will vary from activities, to forums, surveys and even websites which your child will be encouraged to use. Fronter will be used in school and can be used at home to enhance learning. Please look out for more information next week.

1940s Day and Lindy Hop Workshop On Tuesday 11th December, Year 4 children will be experiencing life during the 1940s where they will be dressing up, taking part in a dance workshop and trying out the food from a rationed menu.

St. Andrew’s Day On 30th November the school will be celebrating St. Andrew’s Day and the children will be invited to wear non-uniform clothing with a blue theme. We shall be asking that children bring in a donation of £1 which will go toward School Funds.

CFA Event— Mr Marvel Tickets are still available to purchase for £5 per child in the school office until 10am on 30th November. The event will take place as follows:

Reception to Year 3—Tuesday 4th December (from 3.10pm to 5pm).

Years 4, 5 and 6—Friday 7th December (from 3.20pm to 5pm).

All profits for this event will go to the school to purchase equipment for our children.

Those children attending the event must be collected at 5pm sharp from their usual collection points. The rest of the school will be dismissed as normal.

St. Andrew’s Church Christmas Bazaar Please do come along for the church Christmas bazaar on Saturday 1st December from 2.30pm. There will be plenty of stalls and displays for all the family to enjoy.

Dates for your diary

30th Nov St. Andrew’s Day (Non- uniform for pupils - Blue clothes)

10th Dec Reception trip to Church

12th/13th Dec Christmas cake sale

13th Dec Early Years’ Christmas performance

21st Dec Last day of term

24th Dec– 7th Jan Christmas Break

8th Jan 2013 School re-opens

15th Feb Inset (school closed to pupils)

18th- 22nd Feb Half-term

25th Feb School re-opens

6th May Bank Holiday

24th May (Inset) school closed to pupils

27th -31st May Half-term

24th July Last day of term

25th July Inset (school closed to pupils)

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Newsletter No11 21st November 2012

Congratulations to the following writers of the week: Akif Latif, Sana Hussain, Mahdi Khan, Faiza Choudhury, Jourdain Jhagroo-Bryan, Munadiya Bint-Hussain, Junaid Sheikh, Inaya Mohammed, Christina Mataj, Kajus Pilukas, Fallou Diaby, Madiha Nadeem, Zainab Achha, Anojan Mariathas, Daniaal Ahmad Akhtar and David Mazrreku.

Well done to you all!

Eid Assembly There was a great turn out of families who attended the Eid assembly last week. Well done to Year 5 for putting on such a great assembly!

Road Safety Week This week is Road Safety Week and we will be putting up banners on the fences around the school to spread the road safety message. Please help us to keep the area around our school safe by slowing down your speed, following the one way priority system in the car park, only parking in the bays and wearing seatbelts. Your child’s safety is the priority!

Parking In light of the accident outside school yesterday morning, we would advise parents to refrain from parking on The Drive, especially by the main school gate.
In addition, following further complaints of dangerous driving in the car park I am concerned to hear reports that the driver of a blue Audi, registration KE52 ZXZ was seen driving very dangerously with two children in the car not wearing seatbelts. I would very much like to speak to this person.

Attendance Figures For Last Week

Rec Blue 96.1%         Yr 3B 93.3%

Rec Green 88.7%       Yr 3G 95.4%

Rec Red 88.9%          Yr 3R 99.3%

Rec Yellow 89.3%      Yr 3Y 94.7%

Yr 1B 93.4%              Yr 4B 98%

Yr 1G 97.3%              Yr 4G 93.7%

Yr 1R 94%                 Yr 4R 91.3%

Yr 1Y 95.5%              Yr 4Y 98.7%

Yr 1Ra 100%              Yr 5B 98.7%

Yr 2B 95.5%               Yr 5G 97.2%

Yr 2G 93.1%               Yr 5R 97.8%

Yr 2R 97.1%               Yr 5Y 98.1%

Yr 2Y 97%                  Yr 6G 92.7%

Yr 6R 95.3%

Attendance Well done to class 1 Rainbow who achieved 100% attendance! Fantastic! The overall percentage for the whole school was 95.2%.

Five Year Anniversary/Opening of the New Sensory Garden As mentioned in our last newsletter, the school will be celebrating the five year anniversary of the school and the opening of the new sensory garden on Thursday 29th November. We would like Year 5 parents to write a few comments on how the school has changed. The comments will be collated and included in the event. These should be sent into the school office by Friday in an envelope for the attention of Bal Matharu.

Payments to School Please remember that when you are making a payment to the school (i.e. trips etc.) that they are put into a clearly labelled envelope with your child’s name and class stating what the payment is for. It is not the responsibility of the school to provide you with an envelope, so please ensure for security purposes any payments you bring in are securely sealed.

School Home Agreement/Contact Information Please remember to complete the school home agreement and the contact information sheet for your child. Once completed these forms must be returned it to your child’s class teacher.

“Go Green” for Macmillan Cancer Support Once again, thank you to the children, staff and parents for all your support during “Go Green” week. We can now announce that we raised £606.87 for MacMillan Cancer Support and the character that has the most money raised to be painted on the reading wall is……………. SHREK!

1940s Day and Lindy Hop Workshop On Tuesday 11th December Year 4 children will be experiencing life during the 1940s where they will be dressing up, taking part in a dance workshop and trying out the food from a rationed menu.

School Photographs Thank you to Linda and the admin team for ensuring that all the children were photographed. That is quite a challenge for a school this size!

St. Andrew’s Day On 30th November The school will be celebrating St. Andrew’s Day and the children will be invited to wear non-uniform clothing with a blue theme. We shall be asking that children bring in a donation of £1 which will go toward School Funds.

St. Andrew’s Church Christmas Bazaar Please do come along for the church Christmas bazaar on Saturday 1st December from 2.30pm. There will be plenty of stalls and displays for all the family to enjoy.

Dates For Your Diary

30th Nov St. Andrew’s Day (Non - uniform for pupils - Blue clothes)

6th Dec Y2 Cake sale

10th Dec Reception trip to Church

12th/13th Dec Christmas cake sale

13th Dec Early Years’ Christmas performance

21st Dec Last day of term

24th Dec– 7th Jan Christmas Break

8th Jan 2013 School re-opens

15th Feb Inset (school closed to pupils)

18th- 22nd Feb Half-term

25th Feb School re-opens

6th May Bank Holiday

24th May (Inset) school closed to pupils

27th -31st May Half-term

24th July Last day of term

25th July Inset (school closed to pupils)

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Newsletter No.10 14th November 2012

Congratulations to the following writers of the week: Gursimran Kaur, Warda Noman, Wali Mustafa, Muhriz Aman, Fatima Achha, Javon Sinclair, Eliza Younis, Darsshini Akula, Alex Yin, Prince Lilitha Tingwe and Layla Ferron, Rianna Barton, Amrita Jutley, Salman Mamoon Rashid, Haider Ishfaq, Nahia Hussain, Jamaal Mamsa, Riaz Jilani and Laiba Ali. Well done to all of you!

Walk Once A Week (WOW) Winners Congratulations to 1G and 4Y who were awarded the WOW trophies for October during the celebration assembly on Friday. Please can you continue to encourage your child to walk to school.

Report Here is a report from the Chair of the School Council, Joana Aukstuolyte (6R):

“As you know last week we were raising lots of money for MacMillan Nurses. We will let you know how much very soon! We will announce the winner this Friday. Is it going to be team Shrek or team Kermit the Frog? Remember all the money that you have raised will go to MacMillan Cancer Support. Thank you for your help. There will be certificates given out to each year group for their amazing work!”.

Residents’ Concerns As a school community we should all be keen for Cranbrook to have an excellent reputation. Unfortunately, this is being spoilt by some as they go home from school. Local residents have contacted us to say that children, in front of their parents, are throwing rubbish into their gardens and cars have damaged walls when reversing and no apology given. These are only a few of the complaints that we have received and are most concerned by them. Please show more respect for our neighbours and work to maintain our positive name.

Attendance Figures For Last Week

Rec Blue 98.7%      Yr 3B 97.3%

Rec Green 94%       Yr 3G 95.2

Rec Red 92.1%       Yr 3R 99.3%

Rec Yellow 94.7%   Yr 3Y 92.3%

Yr 1B 97.9%           Yr 4B 98%

Yr 1G 97.3%           Yr 4G 98%

Yr 1R 94.7%           Yr 4R 96.7%

Yr 1Y 93.5%           Yr 4Y 99.3%

Yr 1Ra 95.6%          Yr 5B 100%

Yr 2B 96.1%            Yr 5G 94.7%

Yr 2G 93.3%           Yr 5R 94.8%

Yr 2R 91%              Yr 5Y 98.4%

Yr 2Y 97.3%           Yr 6G 96.7%

Yr 6R 97.4%

Attendance Well done to class 5B who achieved 100% attendance! The overall percentage for the whole school was 96.1%.

Car Park I am concerned that since the last newsletter where a reminder was given to parents not to use inappropriate language in and around the school, we have since received further complaints of this. At Cranbrook there is a zero tolerance of the use of inappropriate language by pupils and adults in the school which should also be respected by the parents.

Uniform Please ensure that your child is appropriately dressed for the cold weather and that they have a suitable winter coat, hat, scarf and gloves. For P.E. lessons that take place outside, please ensure that your child has a sweatshirt and a pair of tracksuit bottoms as well as their regular kit.

Parent’s Evening Thursday 15th November Please remember after 3.45pm access to the school will only be through the pedestrian gate and the main hall.

Eid Assembly Year 5 parents are warmly invited to attend the Eid assembly on Thursday 15th November at 2.15pm in the main hall.

Colour Assemblies No coloured assemblies will be taking place this week, as the halls are being used for Year 5 Eid rehearsals and performance.

A Reminder Pupil photographs will be taken on 16th and 19th November. So, please ensure that your child is dressed in their uniform.

Five Year Anniversary/Opening of the New Sensory Garden The school will be celebrating the five year anniversary of the school and the opening of the new sensory garden on Thursday 29th November.

Children In Need In support of Children in Needs children are invited to wear non-uniform clothing (spots theme) on Thursday 15th November. We shall be asking that children bring in a donation of £1 which will go to the charity.


Kids in Charge after school club offer the following:

• Art Club, Cooking Club, Football Club (£4.40 per session) and Maths Tuition (for children Y1 and above on Thursdays 4-5pm)

Charges are applied as follows:

• Short sessions 3.30-5.30pm £9

• 5 days 3.30-6.30pm £64

• Single day £13.50

• Adhoc after school £16.20

For more information, please contact Jada on 020 8530 7075.

Key Dates For Your Diary

15th Nov Children in Need (Non- uniform for pupils– Spots theme)

15th Nov Y5 Eid assembly

15th Nov Parents’ evening

16th Nov Pupil photographs

19th Nov Pupil photographs

30th Nov St. Andrew’s Day (Non- uniform for pupils - Blue clothes)

6th Dec Y2 Cake sale

10th Dec Reception trip to Church

12th/13th Dec Christmas cake sale

13th Dec Early Years’ Christmas performance

21st Dec Last day of term

24th Dec– 7th Jan Christmas Break

8th Jan 2013 School re-opens

15th Feb Inset (school closed to pupils)

18th- 22nd Feb Half-term

25th Feb School re-opens

6th May Bank Holiday

24th May (Inset) school closed to pupils

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Newsletter No. 9 7th November 2012

Congratulations to Faiza Choudhury who completed the Redbridge Summer Reading Challenge to read six books during the summer break. Well done!

Also, congratulations to the following writers of the week:

Aaliah Patel, Maisha Choudhury, Keerthana Thurisumy, Baljit Assi, Zahra Ahmed, Aliya Hussain, Saad Khan and Nahia Hussain.

School Fundraising As part of our commitment to “giving back” we shall be taking part in the following where children are invited to wear non-uniform clothing:

15th November - Spots theme (funds to Children in Need)

30th November - Blue theme to celebrate St. Andrew’s Day (contributions to the school fund)

We shall be asking that children bring in a donation of £1 which will go to the relevant fund.

Go Green for MacMillan Cancer Support Each year group have been allocated two collection buckets, where children can donate money to choose the green character they wish to have painted on the reading wall. The choice of character is either Shrek or Kermit the Frog. A big thank you to all the children that have already voted. If your child would like to vote they need to make a donation to help fill the collection bucket for their character choice. The character who raises the most money wins, so let’s get voting! There is also a Y1 cake sale taking place this Thursday after school. Please do come along and support this cause.

Attendance Figures For Last Week

Rec Blue 84.5%           Yr 3B 83.3%

Rec Green 82%            Yr 3G 84.5%

Rec Red 85.4%            Yr 3R 83.3%

Rec Yellow 74.5%        Yr 3Y 84.7%

Yr 1B 80.3%                 Yr 4B 87.3%

Yr 1G 85.3%                 Yr 4G 82%

Yr 1R 87.3%                 Yr 4R 86%

Yr 1Y 81.9%                 Yr 4Y 89%

Yr 1Ra 82.6%                Yr 5B 84%

Yr 2B 88.4%                 Yr 5G 87.3%

Yr 2G 83.7 %                Yr 5R 81.1%

Yr 2R 81.4%                 Yr 5Y 77.4%

Yr 2Y 80.7%                 Yr 6G 86.1%

Yr 6R 84.5%

Attendance All the attendance figures are low as last week many of our families took time off to celebrate Eid. Let’s get that percentage up again.

Parking Following a serious incident where a parent was verbally abused by another parent in the car park, I would remind you all to show respect and be mindful of not displaying unacceptable behaviour in the presence of the children, or indeed anyone else!

Eid Assembly Year 5 parents are warmly invited to attend the Eid assembly on Thursday 15th November at 2.15pm.

Packed Lunch/P.E. Kits Please encourage your child to remember to bring in their P.E. kit and packed lunch to school in the morning. This will avoid constant disruption to the class.

Please bear in mind the office staff take their breaks at the following times:



Please avoid these times.

Parents’ Evening Please can you complete your slips as soon as possible so that times can be allocated for the meeting on Thursday 15th November.

Poppy Appeal For a small donation, children will be able to buy poppies. These will be available to purchase this week.

School Lettings

The following are available to hire from Monday to Friday 4pm to 10pm and on weekends and school holidays from 8am to 11pm:

Large Hall £60 per hour - Capacity up to 500 people depending on the nature of event

Small Hall £30 per hour - Capacity up to 60 people depending on the nature of the event

Dance Studio £30 per hour - Capacity up to 60 people depending nature of event

Main playground (please call for quotes)

For all lettings enquiries and availability contact Rahima Patel (Funding and Facilities Coordinator) email:

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy Diwali for next week.

Keys Dates To Note

8th Nov Y1 Cake sale

15th Nov Children in Need (Non- uniform for pupils– Spots theme)

15th Nov Y5 Eid assembly

15th Nov Parents’ evening

16th Nov Pupil photographs

19th Nov Pupil photographs

30th Nov St. Andrew’s Day (Non- uniform for pupils - Blue clothes)

6th Dec Y2 Cake sale

10th Dec Reception trip to Church

12th/13th Dec Christmas cake sale

13th Dec Early Years’ Christmas performance

21st Dec Last day of term

24th Dec– 7th Jan Christmas Break

8th Jan 2013 School re-opens

15th Feb Inset (school closed to pupils)

18th- 22nd Feb Half-term

25th Feb School re-opens

6th May Bank Holiday

24th May (Inset) school closed to pupils

Headteacher: Jas Leverton

Cranbrook Primary School, The Drive, Ilford, Essex, IG1 3PS

Telephone: 0208 518 2562 Fax: 0208 554 1575

Jas Leverton
