Wednesday 29 April 2015

Dear Parents/Carers

Congratulations to the following Writers of the Week: Tya Puddoo, Amrita Jutley, Syed Karim, Tanya Sagoo, Hannah Uddin, Saad Khan, Sarah Sowole, Jeffrey Pinaman, Meleddie Williams, Yurraj Singh, Diya Ahmed, Laiba Ahmed and Humza Malik-Singh


Mathlete Awards

Sabnij Singh, Tanya Sagoo, Lashay Foster, Arjun Mann, Kasim Manzoor, Jeffrey Pinaman, Mehreen Rashid, Yusuf Achha, Umar Patel, Nadine Ahmed, Chloe Camey, Talha Sheikh and Paul Rajvir-Singh

Golden Awards

Nafeesa Ahmed - RY

Julia Wilgierz - RY

Headteacher’s Award

This week is given to Lilah Rahman for brilliant writing and also to Sabeeh Abid for a fantastic effort in his writing.

Well Done to everyone !

Year Group Information Sessions  

As always these will take place for all year groups to provide parents and carers with information. This term’s focus is: writing skills of our pupils.   Please make every effort to attend.  Each day will run from 9am to 9.15am. Dates for each year group are:

Thursday 30th April         - Year2
Friday 1st May                  - Year 1
Tuesday 5th May              - Reception
Wednesday 6th May         - Year 6
After completing an application and a successful
interview process, these are our newly appointed
Emissaries who will join the existing team. Well done and good luck in your new role. Thank you for the ongoing work of our current Emissaries.
Atiya Zukauskite- 5Y
Maha Folad- 5G
Junaid Rahman- 5G
Umar Malik- 5R
Riaz Jilani - 5R
Tyler George - 5R
Zain Pervez - 5Y
Asim satti - 5B
Emaan Munshi - 5Y
Umar Patel - 5B

Colour Assemblies
There will be no colour assembly this week due to parent group info sessions taking place.
Well Done Michael
Congratulations to Michael for running the London Marathon on Sunday and raising over £3000 for     Cancer Uk. Fantastic effort! Thank you so much to all who supported this charity.
Junior Bake Off
CBBC are looking for junior bakers aged between       9-12 years across the country to take part in the brand new ‘Junior Bake Off’. All parents/guardians please visit:
For an application form or for enquiries please email : 
Tel: 0207 067 4858
Car Park
Please can all car park users drive and park safely. Please do not leave children waiting in cars unattended. Some of you also need to display better manners. You know who you are!
Redbridge Cycling Centre
There will be coaching sessions for children as well as BMX sessions, running during the Easter holidays.
For more information, please call: 0208 500 9359 Or visit:
Attendance Figures For Last Week:
Rec Blue                    83.0%                        Yr 3Y                     93.0%
Rec Green                 93.6%                        Yr 3Y  Rainbow   88.6%
Rec Red                     98.0%                       Yr 4B                     93.3%
Rec Yellow               93.7%                       Yr 4G                    93.4%
Yr 1B                           97.7%                    Yr 4R                     93.7% 
Yr 1G                          100%                      Yr 4Y                     94.0% 
Yr 1R      93.4%        Yr 5B                     98.0%
Yr 1Y      97.3%        Yr 5G                     96.5%
Yr 2B   93.9%          Yr 5R                    96.0%
Yr 2G      96.6%      Yr 5Y                     97.3%
Yr 2R 92.1%           Yr 6B                    95.2%   
Yr 2Y      95.0%      Yr 6G                   98.7% 
Yr 3B      99.3%      Yr 6R                    97.3%  
Yr 3G 96.0%          Yr 6Y                    99.4% 
Yr 3R 93.1%
Well done to class Year 1 Green for getting 100% Attendance ! Wow !
May we just remind parents to please read the weekly newsletter for all the latest information and updates. We are finding that we are having to send an increasing number of groupcall  messages repeating what is on the newsletter and school website.
Dates For Your Diary
4th May                  Bank Holiday (school closed)
7th May                  Class photographs
W/B 11th May       SATs Week
25th-29th May      Half-term (school closed)
1st June                  Inset (school closed)
11th June               CFA Summer Fair
13th July                 Last day for Nursery
22nd July                Last day (finish at 2pm)
23rd July                 School closed
Nursery Arrangements
Please note that Nursery will be closed from July 13th 2015 in order to allow time for visits by all the new children and parents. Therefore, the last day for Nursery will be Friday 10th July 2015.
Monday 1st June 2015. Please make a note of this date, as the school will be closed for staff training.
22nd July 2015
This will be the last day of the school year. We will close early at 1.45pm on that day, and there  will be no After School Club that day, so please make  the necessary childcare arrangements.
Dietary Needs
If your child has dietary needs, please fill out the diet sheet sent home and send to the ISS Catering.
They will only accept diet sheets with medical evidence, such as a care plan. Any queries, please contact Wendy on 0208 518 2562
Jas Leverton