Wednesday 25 September 2013

Newsletter No 4 25th September 2013

Congratulations to the following writers of the week: Moez Zaman, Yasmin Parviz, Kulsuma Begum, Adwita Gupta, Jannah Khan, Darsshini Akula, Oliwia Wilgierz, Sameed Zaman, Andrei Lupsa, Romziyah Mohammed-Noah, Faiz Parkhetiya, Bavneet Sagoo, Aira Mariathas, Talia Mishkin, Areesha Ahmed, Luiza Stricescu, Aleena Khawaja, Hannah Uddin, Ismail Patel, Riaz Jilani, Mohid Khan, Priya Khosla, Mehdi Fazal, Sara Dakri, Olivia Kaluzna, Laiba Ahmed, Mariam Ghaloo, Janvi Parekh, Nasrullah Mirza, Khaira Ali, Mahliqa Zubair, Mohamed Abdullah Sheriff and Noholi Nistha.

‘Mathelete’ Awards were received by: Nicholas Vatafu, Waqas Ahmed, Surya Premkumar, Fathima Islam, Aliya Patel, Alisha Mahmud, Zakaria Hussain, Yetunde Fadojutimi, Daren Sungalee, Abi Srikanthan, Zainab Achha, Elizabeth McNulty, Hasan Ali, Azaan Hafeez, Zara Chaudhary, Mahnoor Naeem, Saif Abdul, Amerzish Khan, Fiza Mohammed, David Constantin Chiriacescu, Yunus Islam, Aman Paul, Delisha Khan, Alayna Adam, Muhammad Khuzefa, Javy Needroo, Sarim Gohar, Maeasha Fazal, Rahina Nadeem, Fahad Khan, Gabija Zakaraite and Muhammed Harris.
Well done to all of you!
Safety Week This was launched in assemblies this week through the workshops across the school, led by the Police, NSPCC and support groups, as well as school based staff. I hope you will be able to drop into our ‘colour assemblies’ on Thursday to hear what some classes have been doing.
House System Last week in assemblies, we launched our new ‘House System’ whereby all children and staff are in colour teams of blue, yellow, green and red. Children will be awarded points for good behaviour, manners, effort and attitudes. The winning house will get a prize at the end of each term.
Attendance Figures For Last Week
Rec Blue           97.3%              Yr 3R   97.7% 
Rec Green        98.6%              Yr 3Y    96.9%
Rec Red           92.4%              Yr 4B    97.7%
Rec Yellow       92%                 Yr 4G   97.3%
Yr 1B                97.7%              Yr 4R   95.4%
Yr 1G               94.3%              Yr 4Y   95.6%
Yr 1R               98.7%              Yr 5B   98.6%
Yr 1Y                97.7%              Yr 5G   94.7%
Yr 2B                97.6%              Yr 5R   98.3%
Yr 2G               90.5%              Yr 5Y    100%   
Yr 2Ra              96.7%              Yr 6B   97.3%  
Yr 2R               95.6%              Yr 6G   99%  
Yr 2Y                96%                 Yr 6R   94.5%  
Yr 3B                95.8%              Yr 6Y   92.7%
Yr 3G               99.3%                         
Attendance Well done to class 5 Yellow for achieving 100%. Excellent! The overall percentage for the whole school was 96.5%.
Open School As always, Open School will be taking place after school on Tuesday 1st October. Please do take this opportunity to come and have a look at your child’s classroom and books.
Teachers’ Strike 17th October Please note that some teachers’ unions are calling their members out to strike on 17th October 2013 in response to a number of pertinent issues affecting education. 23 Cranbrook teachers will be striking that day. Therefore, I have no option but to close the school to children as other staff are not qualified to take the classes. I hope that this early notice will enable you to make the necessary childcare arrangements.   
Book Fair Please also note that a book fair will be running from 20th to 25th September after school in the small hall. Please do come and have a browse of the selection of books and support the school.

Cranbrook Friends Association (CFA) Meeting Core members of the CFA are invited to a meeting on Wednesday 16th October from 9.15-10.30am in the small hall.           

Colour Assemblies Colour assemblies will begin this week and are as follows:
9.10-9.35am Dance Studio - Blue & Rainbow classes                
9.10-9.35am  - Main Hall - Green classes
2.40-3.05pm Main Hall - Red classes                       
2.40-3.05pm Dance Studio - Yellow classes
Reception classes will join after Christmas.
School Performances As previously, all year groups will do a big performance for their parents this year. This term, Year 3 will present the Diwali story on 14th November at 2pm, and Year 5 will focus on Eid on 24th October at 2pm. Reception classes will be presenting a Christmas performance, a date will be confirmed shortly. Nursery, Year 1 and 4 classes will do their performance in the spring term. Year 2 and 6 will present theirs in the summer term. So, watch out for dates of performances in the newsletter! 
Lettings The school has the following facilities available for hire for all occasions and events:
Main hall, small hall, dance studio and playground.
The times of availability are Monday to Friday 4pm-10pm. Weekends and school holidays 8am-11pm (subject to availability). For further information or to make a booking, please contact Rahima on 020 8518 2562 or email
Cold Weather Now that the cold weather is beginning to set in, please send your child to school in a warm coat, scarf, hat and gloves.
Midday Assistant Vacancies If you are interested in this vacancy, please contact Rahima for further information on 0208 518 2562. Application forms can be collected from the main school office. The closing date for receiving applications is 27th September. 2013.           
Dates For Your Diary
23rd-27th Sep     Safety Week
1st Oct                Open School (after school)
16th Oct              CFA meeting (9.15am)
17th Oct              Teacher’s strike (school closed)
24th Oct              Eid Performance by Y5 (2pm)
28th Oct-1st Nov  Half term (school closed)
4th November       Inset (school closed to pupils)
14th Nov              Diwali Performance Y3 (2pm)
23rd Dec-3rd Jan  Christmas Break (school closed)
14th February       Inset (school closed to pupils)
17-21st Feb          Half term (school closed)
7th-18th April       Spring Break (school closed)
21st April              Bank Holiday (school closed)
5th May                Bank Holiday (school closed)
23rd May              Inset (school closed to pupils)
26th-30th May      Half term (school closed)
24th July              Summer break begins (school closed)     



Wednesday 18 September 2013

Nerwsletter No.3 18th September 2013

A Headteacher’s Award was received by Hashir Khurram in class 3 yellow. Well done to you Hashir!
Welcome Coffee Morning We had a good turnout of new parents who came to the coffee   morning yesterday, including six dads! Please look out for dates for future coffee mornings in this newsletter. It is a great way to make new friends and share some thoughts with school staff.
INSET Change of Date Please note that we have had a change of date for staff training to 4th November to enable staff to visit ‘outstanding’ schools. I hope that the early notice enables you to make the necessary childcare arrangements. The revised inset dates are as follows: 4/11/13, 14/2/14 and 23/5/13.
Y6 Secondary Transfer Year 6 parents, please note that we have been notified that this year the Local Authority will not be sending out booklets for parents, but has moved to ’on-line applications’. A letter accompanying this newsletter gives you further information. Beverley, our Parent Support Advisor, will be running a session on 17th October from 9.15-11am (in the ICT room) to support parents who require help with their applications. Please check for dates of Open Days for Secondary Schools that you may be interested in sending your child to. These are starting this week with Beale High School on 18th September - tonight!
Open School As always, Open School will be taking place after school on Tuesday 1st October. Please do take this opportunity to come and have a look at your child’s classroom and books.
Parking We have received numerous complaints from residents that parents/carers are parking inconsiderately. One heavily pregnant resident’s drive has been repeatedly blocked by a grey/blue Espace, registration number HK04 LRN. Please think before you park!
Attendance Figures For Last Week
Rec Blue          99.3%             Yr 3R   96%   
Rec Green       95.8%             Yr 3Y    97.2%
Rec Red           91%                Yr 4B   96.7%
Rec Yellow      92.6%             Yr 4G   84.9%
Yr 1B               99%                Yr 4R   95.2%
Yr 1G               99.3%             Yr 4Y   98%
Yr 1R               92.7%             Yr 5B   94.8%
Yr 1Y               94.7%             Yr 5G   93%
Yr 2B               94.5%             Yr 5R   93.3%
Yr 2G               91.8%             Yr 5Y   96.8%   
Yr 2Ra             98.3%             Yr 6B   95%  
Yr 2R               89.7%             Yr 6G   95.9%  
Yr 2Y               98.7%             Yr 6R   94.5%  
Yr 3B               99.3%             Yr 6Y   96.3%
Yr 3G               97.9%                        
Attendance Well done to classes Reception Blue, 1 Green and 3 Blue for all achieving 99.3%. The overall percentage for the whole school was 95.3%. In line with Local Authority guidelines, please note that no holidays will be authorised during term time. The Local Authority penalty for taking a child out of school during term time has now increased to £120 and is reduced to £60 if paid within 21 days. Please also note that fines will be sent out to any parent whose child is later than 9.30am on more than 7 occasions. I have already sent out 20! Some children have also been taken off roll.
Book Fair Please also note that a book fair will be running from 20th to 25th September  after school in the small hall. Please do come and have a browse of the selection of books and support the school.
Nursery Children Can nursery parents/carers remember that your child should be dropped off and collected by adults ONLY. They cannot be collected/dropped off by Cranbrook siblings.

Clubs If your child has been allocated a place on a club, you can come in today to the main hall after school to pay the club leader.
Reception 2014 Applications The deadline for applications to be received by the Admissions Team at The London Borough of Redbridge is Wednesday 15th January 2014. Please note that applications must be made online, but if you are unable to access the internet you can contact the Primary Admissions Team on 020 8708 3417 for help or Beverley, the school Parent Support Advisor.
Safety Week As mentioned in the last newsletter, Safety Week will be a key focus for the children from Monday 23rd to Friday 27th September. Issues such as bullying, racism, abuse and stranger danger will be covered. Our aim is to ensure that all our children know what to do if they are victims or how to prevent anything occurring.  
Colour Assemblies Colour assemblies will begin on Thursday 26th September as follows:
9.10-9.35am Dance Studio - Blue & Rainbow classes                                           
9.10-9.35am  - Main Hall - Green classes
2.40-3.05pm Main Hall - Red classes                       
2.40-3.05pm Dance Studio - Yellow classes
Reception classes will join after Christmas.
Payment for school Lunches Please remember that you can pay for school lunches online. Please log onto for further information. 
Bike It School I am delighted to inform you that Cranbrook has been selected as a Bike It School this year. This mean that Sustrans will be running events, delivering assemblies and classroom sessions, providing skills training, assisting with cycle club set up, helping to establish cycling PE sessions as well as many other activities. The aim of Bike It is to increase the number of children cycling to and from school. Watch this space for details on our Bike It events!          
Dates For Your Diary

23rd-27th Sep    Safety Week

1st Oct              Open School (after school)

28th Oct-1st Nov Half term (school closed)

4th November    Inset (school closed to pupils)

23rd Dec-3rd Jan Christmas Break (school closed)

14th February    Inset (school closed to pupils)

17-21st Feb       Half term (school closed)

7th-18th April     Spring Break (school closed)

21st April           Bank Holiday (school closed)

5th May             Bank Holiday (school closed)

23rd May           Inset (school closed to pupils)

26th-30th May    Half term (school closed)

24th July           Summer break begins (school closed)      L

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Newsletter No.2 11th September 2013

New Nursery and Reception Pupils A very warm welcome to all our Nursery and Reception children and parents who started this week. Overall, the children have settled well and I am sure that they will have many happy and successful years at Cranbrook.
Welcome Coffee Morning We will be holding a coffee morning to welcome the parents of any new children to the school on Tuesday 17th September from 9-10am in the small hall. We would also like to invite the parent representatives to attend, so that the new parents may meet them and the school staff. We look forward to seeing you there!
Safety Week 23rd-27th September As a staff team we are highly committed to ensuring that all children feel safe during their time with us. However, we are also mindful that some children sometimes do not feel able to speak up. Therefore, we are introducing a termly Safety Week which will include issues such as racism, bullying, child protection, stranger danger etc. These topics will be discussed in assemblies, through special workshops and in class lessons, so that all children are regularly reminded that they have someone to talk to and who can help. I would ask that all parents also have similar conversations at home. 
INSET Change of Date Please note that we have had a change of date for staff training to 4th November to enable staff to visit ‘outstanding’ schools. I hope that the early notice enables you to make the necessary childcare arrangements.
Clubs You should have received a letter yesterday outlining the club provisions for this term. Please respond by the deadline date should you wish your child to participate in any of them.
Punctuality and Attendance It has been an appalling start to the year with too many children arriving late or not at all and the reasons given are not always acceptable! I would remind those parents that
If you fail to bring your child to school, you are failing him/her, if there is not a good reason for the absence.
School Office Congestion Parents, please think carefully about whether you really need to come to the school office. Some issues can be resolved with the class teacher or by a phone call. Any money for school lunches should be sent in a clearly labelled envelope with your child.
Lunch Arrears We already have far too many parents who have not sent in money for school lunches, but expect us to provide a lunch. Please clear your debt if this applies to you.
Colour Assemblies Colour assemblies will begin on Thursday 26th September as follows:
9.10-9.35am Dance Studio - Blue & Rainbow classes                                                    
9.10-9.35am  - Main Hall - Green classes
2.40-3.05pm Main Hall - Red classes                       
2.40-3.05pm Dance Studio - Yellow classes
Reception classes will join after Christmas.
Year Group Information Sessions As indicated last week, we will begin the sessions tomorrow. Please note the dates for each year group. They will take place at 9-9.30am in the main hall on the relevant dates below. I hope you will take the time to attend.
Thurs 12th Sept - Year 6                                      
Fri 13th Sept - Year 5                                          
Mon 16th Sept - Year 4                                         
Tues 17th Sept - Year 3                                    
Weds 18th Sept - Year 2                                    
Thurs 19th Sept - Year 1                                      
Fri 20th Sept - Reception
Medication Please can parents/carers remember to check that that their child’s asthma pumps are in date and in school. Please remember that we require 2 pumps (one for the classroom and one for the medical room).
School Crossing Patrol Unfortunately, Carla, who provides the School Crossing Patrol at our school will be leaving on 20th September. I have been advised by the Local Authority that they are in the process of recruiting and that we should have a replacement very soon.

Football Sessions Football 1st are running a football club on Saturdays from 9.30-11am at Barley Lane Primary School, Huxley Drive, Essex RM6 4RJ. These sessions are open to children from 5-12 years, for £6 per session (with a joining fee to also be paid). For further information please contact Anna on 07834 386 814. 
Free Guided Bike Rides As part of the local Sky Ride Programme, the Borough are offering free guided bike rides as follows:
Sat 14th Sept - Hainault Forest (easy family ride)
Sat 29th Sept - Goodmayes Park (steady ride)
For further information please go to



Dates For Your Diary

28th Oct-1st Nov Half term (school closed)

4th November    Inset (school closed to pupils)

23rd Dec-3rd Jan Christmas Break (school closed)

14th February    Inset (school closed to pupils)

17-21st Feb       Half term (school closed)

7th-18th April     Spring Break (school closed)

21st April            Bank Holiday (school closed)

5th May              Bank Holiday (school closed)

23rd May           Inset (school closed to pupils)

26th-30th May    Half term (school closed)







Thursday 5 September 2013

Newsletter No.1 5th September 2013

A very warm welcome back to you all! I hope you had a wonderful break and enjoyed the lovely  weather.
School Values and Motto We have started the year by reminding ourselves of our school values -
Respect, Friendship, Courage, Determination, Inspiration, Equality and Excellence.
Our school motto remains as,
‘Our Children Today, Our Future Tomorrow’.
I would ask all parents to support us in promoting these with your children.
Priorities For The Year These will include the following:
·         Improving attendance
·         Developing children’s speaking and listening skills
·         Personalising their learning to achieve greater success
·         Gaining a reputation for excellence within the  local area
·         Ensuring that all stakeholders contribute towards achievement and outstanding outcomes.
Attendance We must achieve over 95% this year, so that our children achieve the best outcomes that they are capable of. Last year’s assessment results have shown that children whose attendance was not good, did not achieve as highly as others.
Fruit Tuck Shop Please note that this will re-start on 23rd September.
Year Group Information Sessions As usual these sessions will take place at 9-9.30am in the main hall on the relevant dates below. Please can you make a note of when it is your child’s year groups’ turn. These sessions provide an opportunity for parents to hear what is planned for the year group. I hope you will take the time to attend.
Thurs 12th Sept - Year 6                                     
Fri 13th Sept - Year 5                                          
Mon 16th Sept - Year 4                                         
Tues 17th Sept - Year 3                                    
Weds 18th Sept - Year 2                                    
Thurs 19th Sept - Year 1                                    
Fri 20th Sept - Reception
Colour Assemblies Colour assemblies will begin on Thursday 26th September as follows:
9.10-9.35am Dance Studio - Blue & Rainbow classes                                   
9.10-9.35am  - Main Hall - Green classes
2.40-3.05pm Main Hall - Red classes                       
2.40-3.05pm Dance Studio - Yellow classes
Reception classes will join after Christmas.
Uniform/Jewellery As always I would ask for your support in ensuring that children follow the school’s uniform policy each day and that they wear no jewellery to school. Uniform can be purchased from Rupens (98/100 Meads Lane, Seven Kings, Essex IG3 8QN).
Clubs An update of the provisions available for this term and when they will be starting will be sent out early next week.
Year 5 Swimming Pupils will be beginning  swimming lessons this term. Class 5 Yellow will be going this term, two classes in the spring term and the last class in the summer term. A letter will be sent to parents shortly. I would like to remind you that swimming  lessons are an entitlement for every child and no one can be withdrawn from these lessons.
School Lunches The cost of a school meal for your child has been frozen by the provider at £2 per day or £10 per week. Please remember that all monies must be paid in advance at the beginning of the week. Envelopes for lunch are available from the school office which should be clearly labelled with your child’s name and class.
If you child’s account is in arrears from last term, your child will not be able to have a school lunch. It is your responsibility to ensure that you send your child to school with a packed lunch until full payment of the arrears have been made.
Warm Weather As we enjoy the last few days of this wonderful weather, please can you remember to apply sunscreen to your child and provide them with a water bottle and a hat.
Free Guided Bike Rides As part of the local Sky Ride Programme, the Borough are offering free guided bike rides as follows:
Sat 14th Sept - Hainault Forest (easy family ride)
Sat 29th Sept - Goodmayes Park (steady ride)
Make the most of the lovely weather and go cycling!


 Dates For Your Diary

28th Oct-1st Nov Half term (school closed)

23rd Dec-3rd Jan Christmas Break (school closed)

14th February    Inset (school closed to pupils)

17-21st Feb       Half term (school closed)

7th-18th April     Spring Break (school closed)

21st April           Bank Holiday (school closed)

5th May             Bank Holiday (school closed)

23rd May           Inset (school closed to pupils)

26th-30th May    Half term (school closed)

23rd July           Inset (school closed to pupils)