Thursday 25 February 2010

Newsletter No: 6 - Wednesday 24th February 2010

Welcome back! I do hope that you all had an enjoyable and restful half term break. It has been lovely to see the children return to school happy and enthusiastic.

Let’s begin with something positive …………..

PTA Sponsored Silence Event We had a great response to this event and have already raised £1300 for the children for playtimes and the library. Money is still coming in, which is absolutely fantastic! The name of the child who has raised the highest amount will be announced in next week’s newsletter, once all the forms and money are in. So, if you still have this at home, please send it to the school by Tuesday 2nd March.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents, who gave up their time to help run and support the activities.

Uniform Well done all for ensuring that the majority of children attend school in full school uniform. There are just a few children whose parents need to support the school policy. This includes ensuring that head scarves are plain white.

New Books I am pleased to report that we have recently acquired new exercise books for the school for literacy and numeracy with the school logo on the front cover. They will be on display in the school hall tonight at parents evening. Please remember to pop along to the hall to view the maths activities and come and say hello to the new senior team.

Sainsbury’s Vouchers I would invite all parents to support us in collecting the vouchers, which bring much needed PE and cookery equipment for the school. A collection box has been set up in the school lobby.

Parent Volunteers I am aware that many parents, who are CRB checked, have asked for the opportunity to provide voluntary support for the school.

As head teacher I am very keen to take up this fantastic resource, but must point out that this does not mean that you would get a job at the school. In order to appoint staff for school correct employment and equal opportunity procedures and safeguarding practices have to be implemented. We are currently in the process of checking all relevant requests and ensuring that the necessary police e checks are in place. Suitable volunteers will then be contacted for an induction session before they begin regular support sessions, so that the school can manage and make effective use of the support offered for the benefit of all children.

Parents Please Help As you will have noticed; it gets very busy at the end of the school day, when the teachers are trying to dismiss the children. In order to ensure that we hand the children over to the relevant adults, we need to be able to exit safely. Therefore, I would ask all parents to stand well back from the door ways, so that the class line can be brought out safely and quickly.

Wet Mornings Please note, to avoid children getting wet waiting in the playground before school when it is raining heavily, they will be allowed in from 8.45a.m.

Attendance/Punctuality As head teacher, I have serious concerns about the attendance percentages for the school. Currently this stands at 89%, which is well below the national average of 95%. If the school was inspected by OFSTED, under the new criteria, the school would be judged as inadequate for attendance. As parents, you obviously control what time your child arrives at the school. I can only convey a clear message to all parents and do my job by working with you towards improvement.

So come on, you know who you are! Get up early, get an earlier bus and get your child to school on time please! Not just for OFSTED, but for your child, so that s/he starts the day with his/ her peers and makes good progress by being present for all sessions.

If you know your child will be absent, please phone the school to let us know the reason. The school office will contact any parents who have not notified us in advance.

Book Week March 1st- 5th Once again Miss Charalambous, the literacy coordinator, has organised a week of fun activities to promote the enjoyment of reading. In addition, a Book fair will be set up in the small hall after school each day. Please do come along and have a browse. Remember, the school receives a good commission for all books sold.

Parent Survey
This is still open on the school website. I would be very grateful for parents’ honest opinion on the wide variety of questions posed, so that we can work towards improvement in our provision to meet parental need.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Newsletter No:5 - 10th February 2010

As we come to the end of my first half term at the school, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for making me feel so welcome and sharing your thoughts and ideas with me. I am confident that together we are going to build on the school’s existing successes and make Cranbrook Primary a popular school of choice for local parents.

Playground Development
I hope you’ve all noticed our new football and netball pitch marked out in the playground. Over the coming weeks, we will be working with the children in designating areas for different types of activities for playtimes, so that children have a variety to choose from.

PTA Sponsored Silence Event Friday 12th February
Please remember that this event is taking place this Friday. We hope to raise money for the children for the library and playground. Parents are also invited to donate food for our Bake and Take sale after school. Sponsor forms will need to be sent in for this.

Parents Evening 24th February
I hope that you have received your reply slips confirming times for appointments. If you have not, please talk to the class teacher directly.

During Parents Evening, we will be displaying a range of maths activities and strategies in the main hall. Do come along and have a look and learn about what the children have been doing in maths in their classrooms and how you can help your child.

Parent Questionnaire
I was really pleased to see that parents have started completing the questionnaire, which is accessed via a link on the school website. Your feedback, good or bad, is very valuable in helping us to identify areas of strengths within the school and where we need to improve. Please take some time to complete this.

I am really pleased to see that the majority of children come to school in uniform. However, for those whose children do not, I would remind you that it is a school policy for all children to adhere to. Head scarves should be plain white and jewellery should not be worn, unless it is for religious observance.
A letter will be sent out to parents of children who regularly contravene this policy.

N.B. Second hand uniform is available from the school office at no cost.

Year 6 Parents Meeting
Whilst the feedback from those who attended the meeting earlier this week was very positive, I was disappointed that more parents were not able to come. As the agenda included information about SATs and other important arrangements for the Year group, I have set another date to repeat the meeting - 3.30pm Monday 22nd February. Please make every effort to attend.

Year 2/3 Trips
The children have had a lovely time recently on their trips to the Synagogue and Science Museum respectively. Please look out for information and letters about forthcoming trips for other year groups.

Emergency Contact/ Medical Information
We have had a great response to the request for up to date information. Thanks you.

If you have not yet returned your completed form, please do so as soon as possible.

Health Worker
I am pleased to report that Liz Case, the health worker, has recently started at the school. She has already helped to set up the new First Aid room and will be supporting our work with classes on hygiene, care plans, medical protocols etc.

Wishing you all a restful half term!

Thursday 4 February 2010

Newsletter No:4 - 3rd February 2010

Playground Development
I would like to begin this week’s letter with some good news!
New equipment has been ordered for the children’s use at playtimes, including balls, skipping ropes, bean bags etc. We are also having a football and netball court marked out on the playground to help with games at playtimes, as well for PE lessons and clubs. How exciting is that?!

PTA Sponsored Silence Event
As mentioned in last week’s newsletter, the next event will take place on 12th February. We have invited all children to participate in a sponsored silence event to help raise further funds for our library. Sponsor forms that were sent out last week should be returned by next Wednesday, as we will need them on 12th February to record the outcomes.

There will also be a ‘Bake and Take’ sale after school.
The PTA committee has requested donations of foods such as cakes, biscuits, cookies, samosas, bhajis etc. to help raise further funds. The sale will take place in the small hall and it would be lovely to meet some more parents. Please send the food in on the morning of Friday 12th February, so that we can organise the stalls.

Parents Evening
Please see the accompanying letter and return by Monday 8th February with your time requests, so that we can confirm appointment times by the end of next week.

Midday Relief Vacancy
The closing date is Friday 5th February. Therefore, any applications received after this date cannot be considered.

School Library
As a new school, we are striving to provide the very best for our pupils with very limited funds as we do not have a resource to start with, like other established schools. We have already spent a significant amount of money to stock up the library with good quality books, but require additional books for the children’s use. If you are able to help, your support will be most appreciated. Therefore, I would ask you to reconsider and send in 1 book only – see below for ideas.

Nursery Books, DVDs or CDs on Nursery Rhymes and Fairy Tales
Reception Traditional Stories from Around the World or Dual Text Books
Year 1 Atlases, Information Books about Countries, Homes, Toys, World History,
Religions or Festivals
Year 2 Poetry for different age groups & from across the world
Year 3 Short Chaptered Books or Anthologies of Short Stories
Year 4 Stories set in school, forests and outer space for across the age range
Year 5 Information Books about the Body, Plants, Animals, Landscapes and Habitats
Year 6 Language dictionaries, particularly Polish, Lithuanian, Russian, Portugese, and
other languages represented within the school

If you are not able to get what has been suggested, we will be grateful for any suitable new books for the specified age group.

Feedback from Parents
As indicated in last week’s letter, as the incoming head teacher I am keen to gather your feedback on what the school does well and where it needs to improve. Therefore, I would ask that you all check the website on Friday for a link to the on-line questionnaire, where you are asked to comment on a number of areas confidentially. I believe that feedback from parents is crucial in moving any school towards further improvement, and I would ask that you give time to respond to the questionnaire. If you do not have access to the internet, please let the school office know, so that we can provide a paper copy for you to complete.

We have a huge amount of good quality uniform donated by parents, whose children have outgrown the size. I would therefore invite you to come along to the school office to collect good quality school jumpers etc. at no cost to you. Equally, I would invite parents, who have school uniform that you no longer need, to hand it into the school office for families who could make good use of it.

Year 6 Parents Meeting Monday 8th February 2pm
I would like to meet with all Yr 6 parents, who are able to attend the meeting next Monday. I realise that this may be short notice for some, but am keen to share some information regarding Year 6 SATs and other arrangements for the Year group. Please make every effort to attend. If, however, you are not able to be there, we will be sending out information via the office.

Meetings/Workshops/ Coffee Mornings
We are planning to hold these regularly. More to follow…..

Support with Translations and Interpretation
As we have some families who do not yet speak much English, I am looking for a team of parents to help us with communication. If you are able to help with this, please let the school office know. The greatest need is with Eastern European languages as well as Somali and Bengali.

Monday 1 February 2010

Newsletter No:3 - 27th January 2010

Haiti Appeal
I would like to begin this week’s letter by thanking all those who supported the Haiti Appeal. We have already raised £445, and I think it would be wonderful to make that a nice round number of £500! So, if you would like to make a contribution towards this goal, please send the money to the school office.

PTA Sponsored Silence Event
Following the really well attended meeting last week, I am pleased to update you on the PTA’s plans to provide additional playground and wet playtime equipment for the children’s use, as well as to support the development of the school library. Those present at the meeting also agreed that the money that has been raised thus far should be put towards working with the school for the benefit of all children. It was therefore, unanimously agreed that the ‘playground and school library’ would be this year’s main projects for the PTA. This means that any money raised through fund raising events will be donated to the school for enhancing the children’s experience.

The next planned event will take place on 12th February. We would invite all children to participate in a sponsored silence event to help raise further funds for our library – please see accompanying sponsored form.

Parents Evening A date for your diaries :–
Parents evening has been arranged for Wednesday 24th February. A letter will follow shortly to invite you to choose a time preference for meeting with the class teacher to discuss your child’s progress.

Midday Relief Vacancy
I would like to increase the school’s relief midday team to cover short notice absences for lunchtime supervision. If you are interested in applying, please talk to the Business Manager, Gill Harding, and collect an application form from the school office. Please note, an interview process will follow for short listed candidates, who will need to be CRB checked and suitably qualified.

Dinner Money Arrears
I am pleased to report that the school’s dinner arrears remain low. To clarify, please send in dinner money at the beginning of the week in a clearly labelled envelope to cover the cost of the school dinners required for the week.

Breakfast Club
Please be aware that the school has a ‘paid for’ childcare provision for working parents. Currently we have spaces to accommodate more children. This can be a useful provision for parents who have children in more than 1 school. For further information about the cost per day and week, please contact the school office.

School Library
I would remind you the invitation in last week’s newsletter for each family at the school to donate a book for our new school library:

Nursery Books, DVDs or CDs on Nursery Rhymes and Fairy Tales
Reception Traditional Stories from Around the World or Dual Text Books
Year 1 Atlases, Information Books about Countries, Homes, Toys, World History,
Religions or Festivals
Year 2 Poetry for different age groups & from across the world
Year 3 Short Chaptered Books or Anthologies of Short Stories
Year 4 Stories set in school, forests and outer space for across the age range
Year 5 Information Books about the Body, Plants, Animals, Landscapes and Habitats
Year 6 Language dictionaries, particularly Polish, Lithuanian, Russian, Portugese, and other
Languages represented within the school

Smooth Running of the School
Please note, more signage has been ordered to communicate clear messages to parents and visitors about where to wait for specific classes and directions to the school office.

Albert Hall Choral Festival for Year 5 & 6 Pupils
I am thrilled to inform you that some of our children will be performing at the Albert Hall along with hundreds of other Redbridge pupils on 17th March. As places are limited, parents please ensure you return the slips at the bottom of the letter sent out earlier in the week as soon as possible.

Feedback from Parents
All schools have areas of strength and for improvement. I am keen to gather your feedback on what we do well and where we need to improve. I intend to gather this information from face to face contact, through confidential online surveys, as well as through informal and formal meetings. I believe that Cranbrook Primary has the potential to be an outstanding school. Let’s work together towards that goal constructively, for the benefit of all our pupils! Together, we can achieve more!