Wednesday 29 January 2014

Newsletter No.19 29th January 2014

Congratulations to the following writers of the week: Iveta Pohlodkova, Harsimran Kaur Sagoo, Sanjieth Bala, Disha Bose, Zaina Butt, Aarna Setia, Zainab Sayed, Pratima Krishnan, Uzair Shah, Nailia Ahmed, Ayaan Sheikh, Adele Udeze, Mahnoor Naeem, Naseera Parkhetiya, Abi Srikanthan, Anojan Mariathas, Mohamed Sheriff, Kiran Lalli, Yuliana Karaivanova, Zahrah Ahmed, Tamanna Begum, Samah Seedat, Saad Khan, Muhammad Rafay, Rayyan Goni, Hafizah Choudhury and Julia Kaluzna.
‘Mathletes’ Awards were received by: Mahliqa Zubair, Hanuv Garg, Aliyah Hosenally, Ibraheem Abou-El-Seoud, Jawad Islam, Alishba Riaz, Imran Shabbir, Hamdan Hamdan, Laaibah Saleem, Sanjay Singh, Amir Choudhury, Salman Mamoon Rashid, Raihan Sirajunnabi, Abi Srikanthan, Rajvir Paul, Yasin Khan, Lee Messerre Gago, Halima Proba, Kristien Hadjic, Ayaan Saleem, Viria Quifica Da Silva, Sameera Choudhury, Rayyan Goni and Medina Rexhepi. 
Special congratulations to the Mathletes and writers of the week for the previous weeks, who are as follows: Abit Bhullar, Ishtarth Katageri, Amina Butt, Madiha Yasmin, Pijus Kaupas, Vaneeza Jahangir, Layli Ali, Amina Rafiq, Mina Mikmat, Zainab Naqvi and Samiha Jaman.   
Gold Awards were received by: Amaan Ahmed (3R) and Hashir Khurram (3Y).
Well done to you all!
Punctuality Further to the newsletter last week, I would like to clarify that registration is at:                 
8.55am for Year 3-6                                               
9am for Reception, Year 1 and 2
We expect our pupils to be in class at these times because learning starts immediately. Please make every effort to ensure that you arrive in school promptly as the entry doors will be closed at 9.05am when registers close. Any late arrivals will need to register at the school office after this time.

Attendance Figures For Last Week

Rec Blue       92.3%             Yr 3R  97.3%
Rec Green    96.7%             Yr 3Y  91%
Rec Red        93.8%             Yr 4B  95.7%
Rec Yellow   94.2%             Yr 4G  94.3%
Yr 1B              98.3%             Yr 4R  99%
Yr 1G              88.3%             Yr 4Y  93.7%
Yr 1R              95.7%             Yr 5B  97.1%
Yr 1Y              95.9%             Yr 5G  93.7%
Yr 2B              94.7%             Yr 5R  95.8%
Yr 2G              93%                Yr 5Y  99.3%   
Yr 2Ra           97.9%             Yr 6B  98.7%  
Yr 2R              97.7%             Yr 6G  97.9%  
Yr 2Y              96%                Yr 6R  98.7%  
Yr 3B              99.7%             Yr 6Y  97.3%
Yr 3G              94.3%
Attendance Well done to class 3 Blue for achieving 99.7%. Fantastic! The overall percentage for the whole school was 95.8%.
Unauthorised Absence I would remind parents that if your child has 12 sessions of     unauthorised absence recorded throughout the academic year, the Local Authority will issue you with a penalty notice. The notice incurs a fine of £120 which is reduced to £60 if it is paid within 21 days. Penalty notices may be considered in the first instance for leave of absence taken without permission of the Headteacher which will result in £120 fine per parent, per child (reducing to £60 per parent, per child if paid within 21 days). Please note that this can apply, even if you only take your child out for one day’s holiday during term time. A total of 16 fines have been issued since December.
Crossing Safely It has come to my attention that many parents and children are crossing The Drive near the bus stop as they disembark, rather than using the zebra crossing. This is highly dangerous and other parents and members of the public have raised concerns. PLEASE PUT SAFETY FIRST.

Parents’ Evening on 4th and 11th March Letters will be sent to you shortly inviting you to parents evening, so that you may discuss your child’s progress with the class teacher.

Safety Day On Wednesday 5th February children will be learning about safety and will be participating in special assemblies and activities. They will be reminded of what it means to be safe both at school and at home and what they can do if they do not feel safe. There will be an emphasis on ‘anti-bullying’ including cyberbullying, internet safety and racism.
Colour Assemblies Please make every effort to attend your child’s assembly which take place every Thursday. The times are as follows:
9.10am-9.35am - Red classes (Hall) Yellow classes (Dance studio)
2.40-3.05pm -    Blue & Rainbow classes (Hall) Green classes (Dance studio)
Violin Lessons There are a few spaces left for children to learn violin. If you are interested, please contact the school office for further details.

Dates For Your Diary 
5th Feb          Safety Day
6-7th Feb       Y1 trip to the Toy Museum
17-21st Feb   Half term (school closed)
24th Feb         Inset (school closed to pupils)
26th Feb         5G and 5Y trip to Science Museum
27th Feb         5R and 5B trip to Science Museum
4th/11th Mar   Parents’ Evening
7th-18th April  Spring Break (school closed)
21st April         Bank Holiday (school closed)
5th May           Bank Holiday (school closed)
23rd May         Inset (school closed to pupils)
26th-30th May Half term (school closed)
24th July         Summer break begins (school closed)
2-3rd Sept       Inset (school closed to pupils)      
4th Sept          School opens to pupils

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